Price: KR
(Asking Price)
Area: Minsundu
, Minsundu
Catalog: For Sale >
Country: Zambia >
Province: Copperbelt >
Town/City: Ndola >
Type: Commercial >
Style: Farm
Farm house for sale in minsundu
This property includes a 3 bedroom house, workers cottage, poultry and a piggery.
The farm has borehole with well suppy water and electricity
It is located along minsundu road and sits on a spacious plot of 2.5 hectares
Bedrooms, Bathrooms and Parking
Property Details
Farm house for sale in minsundu
This property includes a 3 bedroom house, workers cottage, poultry and a piggery.
The farm has borehole with well suppy water and electricity
It is located along minsundu road and sits on a spacious plot of 2.5 hectares