Price: KR
(Asking Price)
Area: mitengo Ndola
, Mitengo
Catalog: To Rent >
Country: Zambia >
Province: Copperbelt >
Town/City: Ndola >
Type: Residential >
Style: House
Good location in a quiet and secure area.
Beautiful 5 bedroom house, with all bedrooms being self-contained with inbuilt wardrobes.
Spacious living room with open plan dining. Kitchen with beautiful finishes
Property is serviced with borehole water.
Very well secured property in a wall fence with electric fence and razor wire
Bedrooms, Bathrooms and Parking
Property Details
Good location in a quiet and secure area.
Beautiful 5 bedroom house, with all bedrooms being self-contained with inbuilt wardrobes.
Spacious living room with open plan dining. Kitchen with beautiful finishes
Property is serviced with borehole water.
Very well secured property in a wall fence with electric fence and razor wire