Price: KR
(Asking Price)
Area: cross crescent Kansenshi
, Kansenshi
Catalog: To Rent >
Country: Zambia >
Province: Copperbelt >
Town/City: Ndola >
Type: Residential >
Style: House
Great location of Kansenshi cross Crescent. Enjoy living in a modern renovated house, the house has 3 bedrooms with modern finishes, Spacious with lounge, cum dining area, kitchen with inbuilt unit. Bathroom, shower and toilet. All bedrooms have built in wardrobes. Also includes a one room cottage
Bedrooms, Bathrooms and Parking
Property Details
Great location of Kansenshi cross Crescent. Enjoy living in a modern renovated house, the house has 3 bedrooms with modern finishes, Spacious with lounge, cum dining area, kitchen with inbuilt unit. Bathroom, shower and toilet. All bedrooms have built in wardrobes. Also includes a one room cottage