Price: KR
(Asking Price)
Area: Dolla hill
, Dolla Hill
Catalog: For Sale >
Country: Zambia >
Province: Copperbelt >
Town/City: Ndola >
Type: Residential >
Style: House
Good location in dola hill after LBM filling station, 4 bedroom house with modern designs master self-contained with a walk in closet, spacious lounge, dinning, kitchen, toilet and bathroom. Spacious yard with room for further development, sitting on a 31*51 plot enclosed in wall fence.
Bedrooms, Bathrooms and Parking
Property Details
Good location in dola hill after LBM filling station, 4 bedroom house with modern designs master self-contained with a walk in closet, spacious lounge, dinning, kitchen, toilet and bathroom. Spacious yard with room for further development, sitting on a 31*51 plot enclosed in wall fence.