Price: KR
(Asking Price)
Area: Off Kasama Road
, Chalala
Catalog: For Sale >
Country: Zambia >
Province: Lusaka >
Town/City: Lusaka >
Type: Residential >
Style: Flat
3 Bedroom stand alone house with 2*2 bedroom semi detached flats. Great location off Kasama road just behind Mana Mall, easily accessible by both private and public transport.
Bedrooms, Bathrooms and Parking
Property Details
The property has a 3 bedroom stand alone with modern fittings, built in kitchen units, fitted wardrobes, master bedroom self contained, tv room and a study. Block of flats comprising of a 2*2 bedroom flat .The flats are neat , well maintained with good rental income. The flats are enclosed in a concrete wall fence, paved driveway, with beautiful flowers and a neat backyard