Price: KR
(Asking Price)
Area: Off Leopards Hill Road
, New Kasama
Catalog: For Sale >
Country: Zambia >
Province: Lusaka >
Town/City: Lusaka >
Type: Residential >
Style: Flat
2 3 Bedroom houses sitting on a 0.2599 acre plot in New Kasama
Bedrooms, Bathrooms and Parking
Property Details
Good location in New Kasama approximately 5 minutes drive to Leopards Hill road. Stretche douton a spacious plot of 1052sqm. Developed with two spacious 3 bedroom houses, 2 bedrooms are self containedwith modern finishes. Beautiful finishes with an open plan kitchen, fitted air conditioning, lounge cum dinning with spacious rooms, built in wardrobes.
Neat and well landscaped surroundings,, paved yard with a beautiful lawn. Water supply from a borehole with a reserve tank.