Price: KR
(Asking Price)
Area: Nasser road
, Fairview
Catalog: For Sale >
Country: Zambia >
Province: Lusaka >
Town/City: Lusaka >
Type: Residential >
Style: Flat
Invest in real estate, good location on Nasser road in Fairview close to Holiday Inn Hotel, CBD 2 bedroom flat, private courtyard garage promise of good returns
Bedrooms, Bathrooms and Parking
Property Details
Good deal. Good location in Fairview on Nasser road, close to prime social ammenites, which offer possible tenants and demand for rental flats in this area. Easily accessible from Independence Avenue, close to Holiday Inn Hotel, Town Center, Nkhwazi School & Kamwala mosque.
2 bedroom flat with spacious room, lounge with dining area , veradah (balcony which opens up to the front private courtyard. plenty of storage space with 3 panties, good size main bedroom.Neat with wood flooring adding a modern touch to the flat. Neat and well kept surroundings in a quiet and serene environment with a garage and water tank. This area is well sought after with high demand for people looking to live in easily accessible central location, and has high rental prices. The flat and location is also ideal for leasing out as a fully furnished apartment offering high returns. Call/Whats app now to view +260966261390